Great B2B marketers already know simplicity rules. Here are a couple of fun examples to consider.
Consider IBM with its 366,000 employees in 170 countries, and its portfolio of hundreds of products and services in dozens of categories. If there is a complex B2B player, it’s IBM. Yet one key idea represents everything about IBM and why working work with them is the best option: Watson. First a machine, now just a logo (visual cue), Watson is the essence of IBM’s messaging, and it covers everything from artificial intelligence to cloud computing to business consulting. Everything starts with Watson: a single word and image that guides audience impressions of the company and drives deeper discussions.
Elegant simplicity.
Does IBM feel a little big to relate to? Let’s look at something a little more Main Street: Hamilton Casters of Hamilton, Ohio. (Please note they are not a client of TriComB2B). They make caster wheels on rolling boxes and equipment, and they’ve created the image of the toughest casters in the world. How? By making their messaging super simple. Look at a Hamilton ad. It has a single message. Their simple website that asks “What’s your business? Here’s your answer.” Their disciplined, creative, fun communication is about little wheels for businesses.
Radically simple.