Pun intended.
I’ll keep this simple, rather than writing a full dissertation on emotional advertising. Ninety percent of information is transmitted visually, so using imagery enables you to say less within your brand advertising and allows for emotion to fill in the blanks (B2B Marketing). If your audience can find a connection with the visual, you’re more likely to create engagement. Period. Information that is transmitted visually gets processed 60,000 times faster than text, so make the most of your eight seconds by leaving a lasting impression.
If the answer isn’t visual, then keep the writing short. In fact, the best approach might just be a headline or theme that garners attention — with no supporting copy. This allows a reader to use their imagination to fill the void with what’s most meaningful to them. A long list of capabilities next to your product leaves nothing to the imagination. Worse, it could omit something a reader is seeking. A compelling headline or phrase will do a lot more work than a bunch of body copy.
“You’ll never go in the water again.” Now that’s a headline: neither body copy nor shark visual required.